Your day begins with Sordin

Getting up in the middle of the night and rounding off the day late in the evening. Just another day in many family farmers’ lives. With noise all around most of the day and lots of phone calls to be made, it’s a perfect day for Sordin Sharp.


At 4 a.m. the alarm clock sounds and it’s time to get on with a hectic day ahead. First on the agenda, a fishing trip in what’s already daylight on these northern latitudes. The Sordin Sharp protects against the noisy handling of the equipment, while the built-in FM radio makes this one-man job a bit more enjoyable. Thanks to the superb ambient sound support, all important sounds that may signal hazard onboard are audible – through the earmuff and through the radio sound.


The grain dryer is indeed a noisy place. As grains are emptied out of the trailer onto the conveyor, the noise level is really high. Here, Sordin Sharp’s sensitive boom microphone comes in handy as it allows for crisp voice communication even in this extremely loud environment. The latest version of the boom microphone has been upgraded and is even more robust than the previous version, withstanding rough use in harsh environments.


1,600 acres of cultivated land takes its toll on a family farmer. Good thing summer days are long in the north in harvest time. So, it’s time to get in the cabin of the combine harvester for yet another shift, even though it’s past 7 p.m. Hard work indeed but there’s also that feeling of satisfaction after a good day’s work. Starting the favorite playlist, volume up and a long day in a family farmer’s life is drawing to a close, ending just as it began – with the Sordins on.

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